Black metal! From Houston? Meet Brimwylf

Black metal! From Houston? Meet Brimwylf

Today’s bocgemot (Old English for reading group) revisited a pivotal scene from Beowulf, where Beowulf seeks out and challenges Grendel’s mother on her own territory. Personally I was interested in the Old English word Brimwylf (water-wolf), which is the poem’s initial reference to Grendel’s mother. You can imagine my delight/surprise when I stumbled across the following modern appropriation of the same word! Check out the original post which includes a short interview discussing the inspiration behind the band’s name.

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Published by Patricia O Connor

My name is Patricia O Connor. I have a BA in History and Archaeology and a Higher Diploma in English Literature from University College Cork. I have recently graduated from the postgraduate Masters course "Texts and Contexts: Medieval to Renaissance Literature" and am currently pursuing my research in Old English Literature as a PhD candidate within the "Digital Arts and Humanities" course offered by University College Cork. My research topic is a continuation of my Masters research which focused on reconciling the Old English marginalia within a particular manuscript witness of the Old English Bede; Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41. I will be using this blog as a means to actively encourage my interest in Old English and the Digital Humanities and to develop potential research avenues.

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