CENDARI Summer School Day Five: CENDARI and Final Discussions

The final day of the CENDARI summer school perpetuated the concept of interoperability that was introduced by Dr Toby Burrow’s paper the previous day. Emiliano Degl’Innocenti described the current situation of today’s medieval digital ecosystem as being fragmented or “full of walled gardens”. Emiliano’s description recalled the closed nature of traditional research methods;...

CENDARI Summer School Day One: XML, TEI, T-Pen and Tradamus.

The CENDARI summer school commenced with an introduction to the CENDARI project and a general discussion of the burgeoning trend in digitisation by Jakub Benes. The morning’s discussion highlighted important concerns that would resurface throughout the week, namely who decides what gets digitised and more worryingly, how our decision...
