Curriculum Vitae

Patricia O Connor

Toureen, Burnfort, Mallow, Cork.

Retrieving the Textual Environment of the Old English Bede: A Digital Remediation of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41.

My research aims to combine traditional scholarship with contemporary digital innovation in its reassessment and representation of the marginalia from the Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41 manuscript witness of the Old English Bede. I am especially interested in Old English literature and language which I actively engage with through teaching undergraduate tutorials. My other research interests include palaeography, codicology and the representation of medieval texts in the digital age.



2014 – Present:
PhD in Digital Arts and Humanities and Old English Literature, University College Cork.
Year of Study: Second Year
Supervisors: Dr Orla Murphy and Dr Thomas Birkett

Course Modules

  • Digital Humanities Institute.
  • Conceptual Introduction.
  • Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and Methodologies.
  • Digital Skills for Research Postgraduates.
  • Theoretical Paradigms in the Humanities.
  • Teaching and Learning for Graduate Studies.
  • Latin Language.
  • Palaeography and Manuscript-Based Research.

2014 – 2015:
Content Management Software Training, Level One, UCC, April 2015.

2013 – 2014:
Taught Masters in Texts and Contents: Medieval to Renaissance English Literature, University College Cork.
Result: First Class Honours (1.1)

MA Course Modules

  • New Histories of the Book (1.1)
  • Old English (2.1)
  • Middle English (1.1)
  • Renaissance English (1.1)
  • Contemporary Literary Research (1.1)

MA Thesis: The Thematic and Contextual Affinities Between the Old English Bede and its Old English Marginalia in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 41.
Thesis Grade: 80%
Supervisor: Dr Thomas Birkett
External Examiner: Dr Ian Johnson 

2012 – 2013:
Higher Diploma in English Literature, University College Cork.
Result: First Class Honours (1.1)

2006 – 2009:
Bachelor of Arts Degree, University College, Cork.
Result: Second Class Honours Grade 1 (2.1) in History and Archaeology.


Teaching Experience:

Sept 2014 – Present:
Postgraduate Tutor, School of English, University College Cork:

First Year Undergraduate Teaching:

I am responsible for covering Old, Middle and Renaissance English literature with my students as part of the First Year module EN1002: Literature and Society. The tutorials involve encouraging close reading of the core texts and discussing related key concepts. I place particular emphasis on assisting my students in learning how to read Middle English as it is not covered on the Leaving Certificate syllabus. The module is assessed through continuous assessment in the form of tutorial essays and an end of term exam. I mark all the Old, Middle and Renaissance essays for my tutorial groups.

I also teach the Medieval and Renaissance Literature component of the First Year module EN1101: Contexts: The Production and Reception of Literature and Film. EN1101 is a Problem-Based Learning module which explores medieval and later manuscript culture and the relationship between theatre and audience in the early modern period through student-directed research.

Second Year Undergraduate Teaching:

I have two years experience teaching on the EN2012: Old English Language and Literature course. The aim of this course is to develop a reading fluency of the Old English language. The objective of the tutorials is to devise methods and exercises to reinforce the students’ understanding of the principles of Old English grammar.



Patricia O Connor, ‘“Sitte ge, sigewif, sigað to eorþan!”: Settling the Anglo-Saxon Bee Charm within its Christian Manuscript Context”. Incantatio (Forthcoming 2017).

—, “The Curious Incident of the Cattle Theft Charms in the Margins of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41.” Cosmos 33 (Forthcoming 2017).

—, “Marginalised Texts: The Old English Marginalia and the “Old English Bede” in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41.” The Boolean V (November 2015).

Invited Speaker:

Patricia O Connor, ‘From the Medieval Margin to the Modern Machine: Researching Medieval Marginalia in the Digital Age’, Old English Study Day, Trinity College Dublin, 10th December 2016.

—, “Charming the Margins: The Old English Charms of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 41”, Traditional Cosmology Society Seminar, Edinburgh University, 21st October 2016.


  • Patricia O Connor, “Inscribing Wisdom in the Margins: The Solomon and Saturn Fragment in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41.”, 28th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature, Vigo, 15th-17th September 2016.
  • —, “Restricted Access: Researching Medieval Culture in Ireland’s Digital Age.”, International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL), UCC, 25th – 29th July 2016.
  • —, “The Curious Incident of the Bee Charm in the Margins of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 41.”, Irish Conference of Medievalists (ICM), National University of Maynooth, 30th June – 2nd July 2016.
  • —, “Charming Cattle: The Cattle Theft Charms of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 41” The Ninth Conference of the International Committee for Charms, Charmers and Charming in UCC, May 7th
  • —. “Transgressive Reading: Retrieving the Textual Environment of the Old English Martyrology Fragment in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41” The Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender and Transgression in the Middle Ages, at St Andrews, April 26th – 28th
  • —. “Bees and the “Old English Bede”: Evaluating the margins of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 41” The Teachers of Old English in Britain and Ireland (TOEBI) Annual Conference in Trinity College Dublin, October 10th
  • —. “The Archangel in the Margins: The Archangel Saint Michael in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 41” Bookends X Postgraduate Conference, UCC, April 24th
  • —. “The Thematic and Contextual Affinities Between the “Old English Bede” and the Old English Bee Charm in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 41” The Graduate School, College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS) Annual Postgraduate Conference, UCC, December 5th
  • —. “The Thematic and Contextual Affinities between the “Old English Bede” and its Old English Marginalia in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 41″ Digital Arts and Humanities (DAH) Research Colloquium in UCC, October 15th


Professional Networks:

2014 – Present:

  • As the first elected PhD Representative on the TOEBI Committee, I represent the interests of Postgraduate students across Ireland and the United Kingdom.
  • Administrator of the Calligraphy Society, UCC, Website. (See:
  • Administrator of the School of English, UCC, Webpage. (See:
  • Social Media Administrator of Facebook, Twitter and WordPress for Bookends X, Postgraduate Conference, UCC, January – April. (See:
  • Administrator of the School of English, UCC, Twitter account. (See: @EnglishUCC).
  • Administrator for the ‘Texts and Contexts: Medieval to Renaissance Literature MA’, UCC, Facebook account. (See:



Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT) Travel Bursary, 2016
Course: Medieval and Modern Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age (MMSDA) in Cambridge and London from 2nd – 6th May.
Sum: £500

Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT) Travel Bursary, 2016
DiXiT Convention: “Digital Editions: Academia, Society, Cultural Heritage” in Cologne, Germany, from 15th -18th March.
Sum: €200

European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme for Research Travel Bursary, June 2015
Course: Collaborative European Digital Archive Infrastructure (CENDARI) “Researching Medieval Culture in a Digital Environment” Summer School in Prague from 20th – 24th July.
Sum: €300

Doctoral Studentship, University College Cork, 2014 – 2016
Funded by the School of English, to pursue my research on the Old English Bede within the Digital Arts and Humanities PhD course.
Sum: €10,000 per annum

Postgraduate Research Scholarship, University College Cork, October 2013 – 2014
Based on the exceptionally high standard I maintained throughout my Higher Diploma in English Literature, I was awarded an Excellence Scholarship for the Taught Masters “Texts and Contexts: Medieval to Renaissance Literature” by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS) in University College Cork (UCC).
Sum: €6,000



Dr Orla Murphy                                                          Dr Thomas Birkett

Lecturer:   Digital Arts and Humanities                Old English Literature

Room 1.42,                                                                       Room 1.68,
School of English,                                                            School of English,
O’ Rahilly Building,                                                          O’ Rahilly Building,
University College Cork.                                                 University College Cork.

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